I'm starting out this blog with a typical Hello World post. Very original, I know.

I've been thinking of starting/doing this for a while now (a couple of years actually), but I've never got around really doing it. Call it procrastination or whatever.

General outline

This blog will include my opinions and tutorials about all things tech I have come across, from technologies I have used, to code snippets and full fledged tutorials. Hopefully someone will find it useful, if not, I definitely need a place to store and organize bits and pieces of information. However, there comes a time for everything, and the time has come for me to make a programming blog.

Background Information

A bit of background regarding myself. I have a bachelors degree in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering from The Polytechnics of Bucharest University (F.I.L.S.), I have been working in web development for over 8 years now and programming for about 17.

I like to call myself a Fullstack Web Developer. My programming language of choice is currently PHP.  I also have experience doing frontend development work (HTML, CSS, JS) and a tiny bit of devOps experience. More can be found here http://www.adigheorghe.ro

So here goes nothing!

Oh and before i forget, all images used in headers are downloaded from Pexels